Codeminer42 Dev Weekly #19

HELLO EVERYONE!!! It’s July 12th 2024 and you are reading the 19th edition of the Codeminer42’s tech news report. Let’s check out what the tech world showed us this week!

Why the with() method of JavaScript Array is a gem? – by Tapas Adhikary

JavaScript array methods like map(), reduce(), filter() and others have been beneficial for web developers. The with() method is such a great new addition to the array method list and is used to change the value of a given index in an array in an "immutable" way. It should not be confused with the deprecated with statement from the language. Check out how this method can help you in your projects!

Playwright: A Fast and Practical Introduction – by Erxk

This article provides a quick and practical introduction to Playwright, a fast and complete testing framework. Covers fundamental concepts such as navigation, selection, actions, assertion, and simulation of APIs, including and showing how to apply these concepts using Playwright.

CSS Grid vs. Flexbox: How I Decided When and How to Use Each for Perfect Layouts – by Arnold Gunter

Our friend Arnold talks about their experience with learning and using CSS Grid and Flexbox for web development. He provides an overview of both layout systems, including their key features and example scenarios for when to use each. Arnold also shares their personal experiences and deciding factors for when to use CSS Grid or Flexbox, as well as best practices for combining the two.

Safety off: Programming in Rust with unsafe – by Serdar Yegulalp

This article talks about the use of the unsafe keyword in Rust programming, which allows programmers to bypass some of the language’s safety features for specific tasks. It outlines what can be done with unsafe code, such as using raw pointers, making external function calls, working with unions and other "dangerous" things and what cannot be done with unsafe code.

How to Improve User Experience with Optimistic UI and SWR – by Jaja Ibifubara David

This article talks about how to improve user experience with Optimistic UI and Stale-While-Revalidate (SWR). It explains what Optimistic UI is, why it matters, and its benefits. It introduces SWR and provides steps on setting up the environment and building a task app UI.

CSS Variable Naming: Best Practices and Approaches – by Leonardo Muniz

Our friend Leonardo talks about the importance of naming CSS variables consistently for organization, readability, and maintenance in front-end projects. It explores various approaches to naming CSS variables, including color-based naming, theme-based naming and many others. The benefits of using CSS variables are also highlighted, such as reusability, maintenance, and readability. Check it out! And improve your CSS in your projects!

Ruby 3.3.4 Released – by k0kubun

This week Ruby 3.3.4 has been released, fixing a regression in Ruby 3.3.3 that caused dependencies to be missing in the gemspec of some bundled gems. Other changes include minor bug fixes. Let’s go to update our projects!

Total TypeScript Essentials – by Matt Pocock

Our friend, Matt Pocock, very well known for making so good TypeScript’s tips videos, launched this week his book: Total TypeScript: Essentials, for devs of all levels to learn advanced type manipulation and real-world application development patterns in TypeScript. Check it out! This ebook looks like a Harry Potter magic book 🧙!

How to Upload Large Files Efficiently with AWS S3 Multipart Upload – by Destiny Erhabor

This very useful article explains how to efficiently upload large files using Amazon S3 multipart upload. It discusses the challenges of uploading large files, the benefits of using multipart upload, and provides a step-by-step guide on setting up AWS S3, backend with Node.js, and frontend with React. Check it out!

8 Exciting New JavaScript Concepts You Need to Know – by Dipak Ahirav

Our friend Dipak Ahirav shows us 8 new and exciting JavaScript concepts that developers should know to improve their coding skills. Click on the post link and discover what are these concepts!

Hackers Exploiting Jenkins Script Console for Cryptocurrency Mining Attacks – by The Hacker News

EXTRA EXTRA!!! Hackers are exploiting improperly configured Jenkins Script Console instances to conduct cryptocurrency mining attacks. The console allows users to run arbitrary Groovy scripts within the Jenkins controller runtime, potentially leading to remote code execution and misuse by malicious actors. The rise in cryptocurrency thefts from hacks and exploits this year highlights the importance of cybersecurity measures to protect against such attacks.

HUMINT: Diving Deep into the Dark Web – by The Hacker News

The article talks about the different layers of the internet, including the Clear Web, Deep Web, and Dark Web, and how cybercriminals operate in Dark Web forums. It highlights the role of Tor in providing anonymous communication and criminal services available on the Dark Web. It also talks about the importance of human intelligence in understanding and combating cybercrime, with examples of cybercrime officers engaging with criminals in forums to gather intelligence. Check it out! And know more about how to protect yourself from those attacks.

Inside React: Server components – by Rohit S

This post talks about React Server Components (RSC) as a powerful feature in React that allows developers to build modern web applications with improved performance and user experience. It explains the need for RSC by looking at the evolution of web development and the challenges faced with server-side rendering. The text also provides information on how RSC work, their benefits, and how to set them up using an example. Overall, RSC are seen as a game-changer for building modern web applications with better performance, user experience, and SEO benefits.

Interop 2024 mid-year update – by Rachel Andrew

Interop 2024 has improved web interoperability this year, with Chrome’s experimental browser support score increasing from 83 to 90. Features such as Popover API, @property CSS rule, font-size-adjust property, and text-wrap: balance have contributed to this improvement.

And that’s all for this week! Wish you all a great weekend and happy coding!

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