Codeminer42 Dev Weekly #13

HELLO EVERYONE!!! It’s May 31, 2024, and you are reading the 13th Codeminer42’s tech news report. Let’s check out what the tech world showed us this week!

10 big devops mistakes and how to avoid them – by Bob Violino

This useful article talks about the 10 big DevOps mistakes to avoid. The text emphasizes the importance of effective communication, integrating security into the development process, and training on advanced cloud infrastructure to reach the right processes for automation.

How to Use the New JS Object GroupBy Method – by Steve Griffith

This video talks about the new JavaScript feature added in March 2024, which allows users to group objects in an array based on a specific key using the Object.fromEntries() and Map() functions. The method is supported by 86% of browsers.

What’s new in Angular 18 – by Gergely Szerovay

The Angular team has released a new major version, Angular 18. Some of the changes and new features include stable control flow syntax and defer blocks, stable Angular Material 3 with updated themes and documentation, and much more! And now the official website for Angular documentation is

The ONLY Continuous Integration (CI) Tutorial you need as an Engineer – by TechWorld with Nana

Our friend Nana discusses the importance of implementing continuous integration (CI). The benefits of using a CI pipeline include automatic testing, code quality checks, and early issue identification. She also emphasizes the importance of testing code changes on every commit and using code analysis tools like Kadana to detect and suggest improvements for code quality issues. The video provides a step-by-step guide on setting up a fully automated code quality check using GitHub actions and Kadana, and how to use Kadana for code scanning and analyzing the results.

Monkey Patching in JavaScript – by Himanshu Sahni

Monkey patching in JavaScript refers to the practice of modifying or extending code at runtime, allowing developers to change the behavior of existing objects or classes without directly modifying their source code. It can be used to fix bugs, add missing features, or adapt third-party libraries. But there are Pros and Cons, check it out and discover!

All About NPM (Node Package Manager) – by Olibhia Ghosh

This article introduces NPM (Node Package Manager), explaining its importance for JavaScript developers in managing packages in the Node.js ecosystem. If you are a beginner in the JS World, this is a great article for you.

Understanding JavaScript Debounce vs Throttle for Better App Efficiency – by Varun Kelkar

This article presents the concepts of debounce and throttle in JavaScript and how to use them to improve the performance and efficiency of web applications. It also provides examples and code snippets to demonstrate the implementation of throttle and debounce functions in JavaScript projects.

15 crazy new JS framework features you don’t know yet – by Jeff Delaney

Our friend Jeff presents us with several exciting updates in JavaScript frameworks. These include React 19’s new compiler, Next.js 15’s partial pre-rendering capability, the merging of Remix and React Router, and more! And yeah, while you were reading this, another JS lib/framework was created (old joke hehe).

Data storage for front-end JavaScript – by Matthew Tyson

The article presents various options for storing data in front-end JavaScript programs, including JavaScript variables, saving data on the server using fetch() POST requests, web storage API (localStorage and sessionStorage), cookies, IndexedDB, Web SQL API, and Service Worker Cache API. It suggests choosing the simpler option that meets the needs for data persistence. Check it out!

Building LLaMA 3 From Scratch with Python – by Fareed Khan

The article provides a detailed guide on building a large language model (LLM) called LLaMA-3 from scratch using Python. It covers various aspects such as tokenizing input data, creating embeddings, implementing self-attention, and more. The process involves multiple steps for each layer of the model, including calculating attention scores, applying masks, and performing feedforward operations. The final output is the prediction of the next token based on the input text. The article also includes code snippets and explanations for each step, allowing readers to replicate the process for their input data.

Java inheritance vs. composition: How to choose – by Rafael del Nero

This article talks about the differences between inheritance and composition in Java, that you can apply these concepts in other languages too, explaining when to use each technique and providing examples. It also covers method overriding, constructors, type casting, and common mistakes with inheritance.

Control and Processing Software – by Denys Poltorak

The article talks about the distinction between control systems and data processing systems in software. They follow predefined sequences of steps and are resource-intensive. The code for control systems often features branching and polymorphism, while data processing systems use nested loops and linear code. However, many real-world systems integrate aspects of both control and data processing.

What is Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript? Explained with Code Examples – by Asoluka Tochukwu Austin

The author explains the concept of prototypal inheritance in JavaScript using clear examples and diagrams. It discusses how constructors, prototypes, and inheritance work in JavaScript, and provides code examples to demonstrate creating objects, arrays, numbers, functions, and booleans.

A decade of vim – by Nithin Bekal

Nithin talks about his 10-year experience using Vim as their main text editor. Check it out! Who knows now you stop using Eclipse IDE hehe.

And that’s all for this week! Wish you all a great weekend and happy coding!

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