NPM@5 Arrived. But Is It as Fast as Yarn?
Earlier this month, I posted about how yarn is much faster than npm, but today NPM itself posted on Medium about code>npm@5
Codeminer42’s Engineering Blog
Earlier this month, I posted about how yarn is much faster than npm, but today NPM itself posted on Medium about code>npm@5
Yarn is an alternative package manager for Node.js and Javascript. Acclaimed for being much faster, reliable and secure compared to Npm. But does it really …
I just read a great blog post on the internet about MVC not being object-oriented, and I could not agree more — after all, we …
TL;DR Kemal delivers 8.3x more requests than Rails and 1.5x than Sinatra, using only 15MiB (against 110MiB in Rails and 47MiB in Sinatra) and 56% …
Softwares are subject to change all the time, and one aspect that contributes to defining the quality of a code is precisely how easy it …
There are a lot of test frameworks for JavaScript/Node.js and I’ve been working with Mocha, Jasmine and Lab for a while. But I decided to …
Create a new mix project if you want to follow along: $ mix new calculator $ cd calculator Suppose you have a Calculator module and …
Disclaimer: this post is based on Quickstart: Compose and Rails — Docker the main difference is that I will run everything with my own user …
My team was given a particularly laborious task: implement responsive images throughout a legacy Rails application. Back then, the app was sending disproportionally large image …
Response times under 100 ms are capable of lightening anyone’s heart. It’s even better when you reach that milestone as a side effect of some …