Codeminer42 Dev Weekly #17

HELLO EVERYONE!!! It’s June 28, 2024, and you are reading the 17th Codeminer42’s tech news report. Let’s check out what the tech world showed us this week!

Dependency Injection – by Pravin Tate

The author explains Dependency Injection (DI) by illustrating it with a straightforward example of a car assembly line. The author discusses the necessary and optional components of a car, as well as the use of interfaces and implementations to signify dependencies. After reading this post, I recommend further exploration of DI concepts and implementations (with JS/TS) by reading the posts by our teammate Henrique Yuji, available on our blog.

Meet Figma AI: Empowering designers with intelligent tools – by Kris Rasmussen

Figma AI is introducing a suite of AI-powered features to help designers work more efficiently and creatively. Features include enhanced search capabilities, productivity updates, interface generation, and generating designs from text prompts. The AI features will be free during the beta period, focusing on empowering designers to overcome creative blocks and bring their best ideas to life. The goal is to provide tools that unblock creativity at any stage of the design process.

Polyfill supply chain attack hits 100K+ sites – by Sansec Forensics Team

A supply chain attack has been discovered in the popular Polyfill JS project, affecting over 100,000 websites. The attack involves malware injected into sites that embed the domain. The malware redirects mobile users to a sports betting site using a fake Google Analytics domain. Check out this post to see the protections against it!

New JavaScript Set methods – by Brian Smith

The article presents us with the new JavaScript Set methods that have been introduced since Firefox 127. These methods include intersection, union, difference, and much more. The article provides examples and explanations for each method, showcasing how they can be used to manipulate sets effectively in their projects with our old friend JavaScript.

JavaScript Rounding Errors (in Financial Applications) – by Robin Wieruch

The article talks about the very common issue of rounding errors in JavaScript and other programming languages, particularly in financial applications. It explains that floating-point numbers can lead to unexpected and critical results when performing mathematical operations, such as adding decimal numbers. Our friend Robin shares their experience with rounding errors in a startup’s invoicing system and provides solutions for rounding numbers in JavaScript.

Mastering Request Cancellation ❌ in JavaScript: Using AbortController with Axios and Fetch API.🚀💪 – by Dharmendra Kumar

This blog post talks about the use of AbortController in JavaScript to handle request cancellations. It explains the benefits of using AbortController, such as preventing unnecessary network requests, improving user experience, and providing control over request lifecycles.
Note: Be aware, however, that Axios recently deprecated the isCancel function, so be carefull with this in newer versions of this library

What a good culture around pull requests looks like – by Kevin Masur

The article shows us the importance of having a good culture around pull requests to maximize their benefits. It emphasizes the importance of quality, empowerment for all team members to review, keeping changes small and focused, knowing when changes are not good enough, and documenting best practices.

Mastering Advanced Concurrency in Golang: A Deep Dive into the sync Package – by Aman Saxena

The article explores the sync package in Golang. It provides detailed explanations and practical examples of how to use these synchronization tools to manage concurrent execution effectively. By mastering these tools, developers can write robust and efficient concurrent programs in Go, essential for building high-performance applications.

What are Controlled and Uncontrolled Components in React.js? – by Joan Ayebola

Our friend Joan Ayebola presents us with the concepts of controlled and uncontrolled components in React.js, focusing on how form data is handled within a React component. She provides examples, benefits, limitations, and factors to consider when choosing between controlled and uncontrolled components.

And that’s all for this week! Wish you all a great weekend and happy coding!

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