Codeminer42 Dev Weekly #5

HELLO EVERYONE!!! It is April 5th, 2024 and you are reading Codeminer42’s tech news report. Let’s check out what the tech world showed us this week!

Run RSpec tests on changed files only – by Fernando Shayani

This useful article explains how to run RSpec tests on changed files only in a Ruby on Rails project. The author provides a bash script that uses git to list all changed spec files and run the RSpec command against them. This allows developers to test only the files that have been changed, making the testing process more efficient.

Avoid these 9 mistakes I made when learning Ruby on Rails – by Andy Leverenz

Our friend Andy discusses nine mistakes to avoid when learning the Ruby on Rails framework, which can be applied to any other tool, language, or architecture we are learning, such as skipping the basics, ignoring documentation, copying and pasting code, and other mistakes. The author shares personal experiences and tips to navigate the learning process effectively.

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