Codeminer42 Dev Weekly #4

HELLO EVERYONE!!! It is March 28th, 2024 and you are reading Codeminer42’s tech news report… On Thursday, since we have the Good Friday holiday in Brazil, this week. So, let’s check out what this huge tech world has to show for us this week!

Diving into the Node.js Website Redesign – by Brian Muenzenmeyer

If you use JavaScript, you may be interested to know that Node.js, a popular runtime for JavaScript on the backend, has revamped its website to make it better for developers. The community faced challenges like starting over with a new domain but managed to rebuild the site while it was live. This redesign involved teamwork with partners like Vercel and aimed at improving accessibility and speed for users. Future plans involve updating API docs, considering a single repository for code, and improving translations. Check it out to see more details about this excellent news!

Polymorphism in Javascript – by Mahdi

The article explains the concept of polymorphism in JavaScript, where objects of different types can be passed to a function, and the function will behave differently depending on the type of object it receives.

Incredible JavaScript Animation Libraries – by Travis

This post shows some excellent JavaScript animation libraries developers can use to enhance web applications with captivating visual elements. It highlights libraries detailing their features and benefits. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of choosing the right animation library for a project and invites readers to share their favorite libraries in the comments. Discover which one fits better to your project.

Good and Bad Practices in Writing Tests using RSpec in Ruby on Rails – by Abraão Carvalho

The article discusses good and bad practices in writing tests using RSpec in Ruby on Rails, but before reading it, if you never heard about RSpec, would be good to read this article about the basic concepts. Now backing the article, the author emphasizes the importance of clear and readable tests, focusing on behaviors rather than implementations, organizing tests into contexts, and keeping tests independent and isolated. It also highlights bad practices to avoid, such as fragile and slow testing, duplicate tests, and tests that depend on internal details.

Recovering deleted from POSTGRESQL tables – by Christoph Berg

The author provides a useful tip about recovering deleted data from PostgreSQL tables. He discusses various options for data recovery, including using transactions, backups, the pg_dirtyread extension, and full-page writes.

Strategy design pattern in Java – by Narendra Koli

The text discusses the Strategy Design Pattern in Java, explaining how it can be used to switch algorithms based on changing requirements dynamically. It includes a conversation between a curious coder and a guiding mentor, illustrating the implementation of the pattern. The benefits and drawbacks of the Strategy Pattern are also discussed, highlighting its flexibility and reusability, as well as potential complexities and the need for clients to be aware of different strategies.

Prop Drilling in React Explained with Examples – by Joan Ayebola

Our friend Ayebola in her article discusses prop drilling in React, a process of passing props through multiple layers of components. She explains the challenges of prop drilling, such as complexity, component coupling, and performance overhead. The text also provides techniques to overcome prop drilling, including using the Context API, state management libraries, Higher-Order Components, and Render Props. Finally, she concludes by emphasizing the importance of using these techniques to build clean, maintainable, and scalable React applications.

JavaScript Visualized: Promise Execution – by Lydia Hallie

This amazing article, recommended for beginners, discusses the inner workings of promises in JavaScript using graphic animations that make it easier to understand, explaining how they enable non-blocking asynchronous tasks. Hallie covers creating promises, resolving and rejecting them, handling promise reactions, and chaining multiple promises together. She emphasizes the importance of understanding promises for JavaScript developers and mentions other related features like async/await syntax.

Iterator Helpers – by Rezvan Mahdavi Hezaveh

The author discusses the Iterator helpers in the JavaScript V8 engine, which are new methods on the Iterator prototype that assist in the general use of iterators. These helpers include methods such as map, filter, take, drop, flatMap, reduce, toArray, forEach, some, every, and find. The availability of Iterator helpers is mentioned to be in V8 v12.2.

How to take control of Flexbox – by Kevin Powell

Our friend Kevin demystifies the behaviors of Flexbox, focusing on flex-shrink and grow. Using an example of a hotel listing, he emphasizes that Flexbox determines the ideal size based on content, but nothing shrinks until the flex-shrink property is set to a value other than zero. Check it out! It is always good to learn the roots of CSS to know how these famous libs/frameworks like Tailwind do the hard work for us.

And that’s all for now folks! Happy commits to everyone, see you all next week! 👋

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